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Horizons Technology, Inc.

XACT!MAPS is a mapping program that runs on a wide range of UNIX-basedcomputer systems within an X Window System environment using OSF/MotifGUI. XACT!MAPS includes Map Display and Map Overlay/Symbols modules.Map Display creates multiple-window, full color map displays using aseamless data storage method for continuous coverage. Standard map scalesare supported including 1:50 K, 1:100 K, 1:25 K, 1:500 K, 1:1 M, 1:2 M,and 1:100 M.Map Overlay/Symbols registers and displays multiple screen overlays overa digital map background. Symbol/font generator supports a wide range ofuser-defined symbols and geometric elements in a variety of colors.Symbols can be stored into a library for subsequent use.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Horizons Technology, Inc.
3990 Ruffin Rd
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (619) 292-8331
Fax: (619) 292-7321